
Jewelry, Women's Favorite!

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Tanzanite Jewelry - A Rare Asset to Possess

Gemstones always have a high demand around the world and among them, Tanzanite ranks high. It is a blue gem with a hint of purple. The gemstone is unique for it is found only in the Merelani Hills of northern Tanzania in Africa. The rarity of the stone makes Tanzanite jewelry very costly. But yet, Tanzanite jewelry is very popular among jewelry lovers, thanks to its brilliant color and luster. It witnesses the highest sale in the United States besides in countries like India, Israel and Germany. Green Tanzanite is the rarest type of Tanzanite available.

Features of Tanzanite:

-The gemstone is reddish brown in color when at raw state. After extraction, it is treated at 600 degrees temperature in a gemological oven and then is fitted into the jewelry.

-A strong trichroism that allows Tanzanite to change its color from sapphire blue to violet to burgundy makes it even more appealing.

Birthstone for the December borns

Tanzanite is considered the birthstone of the December borns. Linked to Sagittarians and Capricorns, the stone is believed to make its bearer a confident and sophisticated personality.

The beauty of Tanzanite jewelry

Tanzanite is a comparatively soft gemstone that can be easily transformed and studded into ornaments like necklace, bracelet, ring and earrings. The stone can be encircled with diamonds in each of the jewelry types, making them absolutely stunning. Tanzanite-studded rings can be crafted into oval, pear, round, cushion and other shapes.

Tanzanite jewelry as gifts

Tanzanite jewelry can also be a very good gift idea. Its glittering brilliance will bring smile on anybody's face in no time. However since it is a rare stone, people often fail to gauge its actual cost and end up paying more money or buy a fake stone. To avoid such a situation, it is advised that you look up at the Internet and know more about the stones and the stores selling these jewelry.

Diminishing reserve

The Tanzanite mines are gradually running out of stones owing to the high demand. The processing work of the stones mainly takes place in Jaipur in India and then they are sold in the US. In 2003, the Tanzanian government banned the export of the unprocessed stone to India. Some laboratories are trying to produce artificial Tanzanite. However, it seems that the artificial Tanzanite jewelry will not succeed in replacing the original.